On February 17, Theodore Carter will place 100 luminescent duck sculptures in a prominent location in Washington, DC. The guerrilla art installation will be the climactic culmination of fifteen months of making packing tape molds with a wooden duck decoy.
Carter is an author and writer. His street art began in 2012 with staged “invasions” of ceramic sea blobs around the city to promote his book of short stories The Life Story of a Chilean Sea Blob and Other Matters of Importance.
Subsequent street art projects include placing a life-size tape sculpture in Dupont Circle and converting a traffic control box into a robot, then a year later, into the Empire State Building.These and other projects have been featured in the Washington City Paper, NBC4.com, and Fox5DC.
#100DucksDC is a year in the making as Carter and friends created ducks out of household materials such as candle wax, onion skins, corn husks, tissue paper, and maxi pads. You can see a running gallery of the ducks on Carter’s website.
The upcoming installation is unpermitted. As a result, Carter is enlisting a flock of #100DucksDC supporters to quickly dispatch 100 ducks flash mob-style.
For more information and exact details about timing and location, email Theodore Carter at tbc(at)stanfordalumni(dot)org.