I’m going to put one hundred luminescent duck sculptures in a visible location somewhere in Washington, D.C. This post documents the creation of ducks 9-14. You can see all the ducks I’ve created so far by going here.
Here’s my son in his Washington Football Team jersey working on a duck.
When making duck number nine I tried putting the tissue paper between the layer of cellophane and tape. It’s an easier technique, but lacks the texture you get from gluing to the exterior.
Duck ten was made from adhesive vinyl left over from a mural project I did in the house. It looks good with a light in it. I also achieved an unintended, but not wholly undesirable, effect of creating a duck that looks like it’s dressed in a kinky S&M outfit.
Number eleven is “The Duck of Failed Manuscripts.” My wife works hard to edit my shorts stories, and often her beautiful red markings end up in the recycling bin. “The Duck of Failed Manuscripts” redefines her efforts while at the same time makes a statement about process.

Duck twelve, “Golden Goose Duck,” was made out of a paper grocery bag. It proved too opaque and did not allow light through. I tried burning holes in the top. I ended up with a charred, smelly, black mark on its back. My daughter said, “Daddy, that one doesn’t look so good. I think it needs some color.” I spray painted it gold. Now, it reminds me of this bust of President Kennedy on display at The Kennedy Center.
I made number thirteen out of onion skins. Fourteen was made from food labels the day after Thanksgiving. It’s a comment on consumerism and the food industry…or a way to make use of stuff in my recycle bin. I haven’t decided yet.