I’m going to put one hundred luminescent duck sculptures in a visible location somewhere in Washington, D.C. While working on this street art project, I’ll document my progress online. You can see all the ducks created so far by going here.
Mandy Kimlick created duck 51 out of horse hair gathered in the spring from her horse Tae. Yes, that’s weird and creepy. I think that’s exactly what Mandy was going for, and it makes “Spring” stand out. Whether you like the concept or not, you know you want to see it up close. Mandy has threatened to make a duck out of human hair next which is, of course, disgusting, creepy, and desired.

My daughter collects perfume and cologne samples from magazines. After a big room cleanup, she gave me several of these samples to make duck 52 the best smelling duck in the flock. The pictures on these ads show beautiful models in various states of undress or locked in sensual embraces. I wonder what these images do to my daughter’s seven-year-old brain. So, duck number 52 makes some kind of statement about gender, the sexualization of women, advertising, and fantastic hair.

I made duck 53 from a brochure from The Haines Shoe House in Hallam, PA. Yes, it’s as it sounds, a house made in the shape of a shoe. I stopped here with my family on the way to a youth baseball tournament and was expecting to take a goofy picture of the kids, then getting back out on the highway. However, the house proved so confusing and mesmerizing, that I opted to pay for a tour with my family and learned the amazing story of Mahlon Haines, a flamboyant businessman who started a shoe store empire and a legacy of philanthropy. I was completely taken in by Mahlon Haines’s story as well as the story of Jeff and Melanie Schmuck who bought the house in 2015 and turned it into a museum and ice cream shop.

I made duck 54 out of scraps from my daughter’s discarded art project.

Duck 55 is an experiment with spray paint.